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Check the sermons below:
The Ministry
Text: 1 Timothy 5-6:2 Treating people in the Church. Older Men - Do not rebuke harshly. Treat them as fathers. We already know that older men are quite sensitive and emotional in various ways. We are to treat them like a father. It doesn’t mean that we cannot rebuke...
Choosing Leaders in the Church
Text: 1Timothy 3:1-12 We tackle about instructions on worship last time. So today, we will be talking about how the church is to choose leaders. We will be tackling the two main offices in the Church, the Overseer and the Deacon. But before we dig into that, let us...
Instructions on Worship
Text: 1Timothy 2:1-15 We are discussing the church as a social structure. As a social and spiritual institution, there are basic guidelines in the church. In the previous lesson, we discussed about pastors and as a leader what should we be doing. Today, we will...
The Household As Social Structure
The first thing that we have learned last time is “Willingness to do, what was told us to do.” Today, we will be discussing what are those things that was told to do. Through the first letter to Timothy, we will be learning the Household (the Church) as a “social...
The Household Order
Theme: Living in God’s Household Title: The Household Order Now that we have learned the basic of the faith system, the 4 commitments that we need to have as Christians, let’s talk about what it means to be together as part of the Church. We will talk about what to...