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Check the sermons below:

Achieving Victory

This sermon about victory talks about the key ingredient of a victorious life. A victorious life starts with a life born of God and the rest will follow. Text: 1 John 5:4 Some of us are probably asking how can we be victorious in this life? How can we say that we have...

The Hero’s Weakness

This sermon from the book of Judges tackles about the story of Samson and the pitfalls of a hero. However, we have to note that these pitfalls are also common to ordinary people. Text: Judges 13-14 We all learned that Samson was born to be a hero. Today, we will be...

The Birth of a Hero

This sermon from the book of Judges is the first of the two part sermon. This mainly talks about Samson and his uniqueness as a Judge of Israel. Text: Judges 13 Samson’s birth comes with a great deal of considerations. Some of these considerations does not only...

A Call to Leadership

This sermon about calling in leadership tackles about the characteristics the disciples as they were called for leadership. Today, we will have a review of what we’ve been teaching for this past 3 quarters. We will be reviewing what are disciples and what are leaders....

How are we Going to Pass On What We Have Learned

Text: 2 Timothy 2 So we have answered the why and the what, let’s answer now the “how”. How are we going to pass what we have learned? Entrust to reliable men (2 Tim.2:2-13) Entrusting is to passing with confidence what we have learned. And we are not going to pass...

The Things that Needs to Be Passed On

Now that we already have answered the “Why”, we will go now to “What” question. 2Timothy is also teaching us the things that we need to pass on.  There are three main things that we are to pass on: Devoted lifestyle (2 Tim.2:1-7) The key here starts in verse 3...

Importance of Passing What You Have Learned

Text: 2 Timothy Looking at 2 Timothy, we can see that Paul is seems like summarising the things that he is expecting Timothy to do in his absence. This is by the way the last letter Paul wrote. This letter is quite intense and at the same time very personal on the...

Setting in Order What Remains

Text: Titus So far, we have discussed choosing leaders, how a leader should live, and how each Christian should live and behave in the community, the Church. Today, we will be discussing the letter Paul sent to Titus which is quite similar in content in comparison to...