The Sermons

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Check the sermons below:

Stages in Serving God

This sermon is about serving God. We will talk mainly about the stages of serving God. Galatians 2:1-10 gave us main stages. This sermon manuscript is still unfinished. Needs more improvement. Feel free to edit and modify and make it better. Text: Galatians 2:1-10...

Stages of Christian Life

This sermon outline is about the stages of Christian life. The book of Galatians gives a hint about these stages. Please note that this is a sermon outline only. Feel free to add more content and revise it to be better. Text: Galatians 1:11-24 God Chooses (v.15) But...

What to Do to Avoid Distractions

This sermon outline is about what to do to avoid distractions. The book of Galatians gave us some tips on how to avoid these distractions in life. Please do note that the following outline is still a raw manuscript but this is more than enough for you to get the main...

What Did Jesus Says In Times of Spiritual Troubles

This sermon about spiritual troubles will take you in a deeper understanding on the right things to do when you are in spiritual troubles. There are lots of things that affects us in our spiritual walk. Sometimes, these challenges and trials does affect us spiritually...

What Did Jesus Says in Times of Material Troubles

This sermon about material things talks about the basic guidelines on how a person should deal with material troubles. We experience material troubles from time to time. Poor or rich, we do experience that. But what does the Bible says about it? What did Jesus says...

What Did Jesus Says In Times of Persecution

This sermon about persecution mainly talks about Jesus' wisdom on how do we response in times of persecution. Here's the main outline: Text: Luke 12:1-12 A. Fear the one who has authority to throw you to hell (Luke 12:5) “Fear him who, after your body has been killed,...