Theme: Living in God’s Household

Title: The Household Order

Now that we have learned the basic of the faith system, the 4 commitments that we need to have as Christians, let’s talk about what it means to be together as part of the Church. We will talk about what to expect and what should we do inside the household of God, the Church. 

The books First and Second Timothy and Titus are pastoral epistles of Paul instructing these two young pastors on how are they going to handle the church that they are leading. Both of these letters are quite similar in a way in matters of his approach and so as the content of the letters. 

Today, we will be diving on kind of attitude that we should be living out as members of Christ’s body.

Willingness to do what was told to do (1 Timothy 3:14-16) “Although I hope to come to you soon, I am writing you these instructions so that, if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth. (v.14-15)”

At this time, Paul is still on his missionary journey. This is the reason why Paul sent a letter to Timothy, one of his faithful disciples who is now overseeing a church in his absence. Remember that many of the early churches especially those in the Gentile communities were started by Paul and this is also the reason why he is concerned with these churches. 

While he is away, Timothy was the one overseeing the work. He was left there by Paul so that the church will have an overseer and not left alone. Now in this letter, we can see that Paul is instructing Timothy on how to handle the people.  Reading the whole passage, we can see here how Paul emphasized that the church is a community of believers thus giving some “househod rules”. He talks about guarding the flock from false teachers, and even for propriety in worship, Paul was keen in his instructions. 

Timothy is to take over the work and with such instructions, the people ought to follow Timothy’s leadership. Paul’s written instructions gives it more authority as Timothy implements these instructions. Willingness to do the work that was left is a must not only to for Timothy, but also for the people he is leading.  

Willingness to take over the work  (Titus 1:5-11) “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you. (v.5)”

This passage is quite similar to 1 Timothy 3:14-16, however let us focus here on doing what was instructed. As you noticed, Timothy and Titus were left in different areas that is why he is writing to both of them on how they are going to lead the church. 

In this letter, we can see that Paul is instructing Titus to appoint elders so as rebuking those who are disobedient. At the same time Paul encourages him to do good for the sake of the gospel and to also encourage every group of people in the church.

Here’s the thing, the ministry has to continue even in the absence of the leaders of the church. You are being equipped in every way so that in every occasion you will be ready to continue the ministry. This is also the reason why even now, you are being encouraged to take part in the ministerial work. 

Willingness to pass what was learned (2 Timothy 2:1-15) “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. (v.1-3)”

The book of 2 Timothy was written during the time when Emperor Nero is descending to his madness. A great persecution against the Christians broke out and actually, Paul was beheaded soon after writing this letter. So here in these letter especially at the end part, you can see that Paul mentioned of the suffering he is dealing with. Many people has disserted him and his appeal was a failure. 

Despite of these, Paul encourages the young Timothy to continue the work. Reading the entire book is like having a “passing the baton” like theme. It’s about passing what was learned from one generation to another. And this is how the church work throughout the history. This is also why Paul said in v.2:3 “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” 

No, it is not easy to follow Christ especially in the midst of persecution and sufferings. It will take you out from your comfort zone. Continuing to read in the passage, we can see that Paul is preparing Timothy to face these challenges.  

As I have said many times over, pastors come and go in the church. Their role is to prepare the church, (you) for the works of service. Time passes, pastors will either be re-assigned or die. Either way, you as a church has to be ready to continue the work and pass what you have learned to the next generation. 

Pastors, leaders, Bible women will rise up from this church. So focus to what is ahead of us. Be willing to train and teach the younger generation.  


  1. How are we doing inside the family of families? What has been our involvement so far in his ministry?
  2. How are we preparing to be a part of family of families?
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