Text: 1Timothy 2:1-15

We are discussing the church as a social structure. As a social and spiritual institution, there are basic guidelines in the church.  In the previous lesson, we discussed about pastors and as a leader what should we be doing. Today, we will be discussing about the instructions on worship. 

1. We are to pray (v.1) “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”  The idea is to be a mediator / intercessor: 

a. For all people

b. For kings – We are to pray for our country’s leader. 

c. For all those who are in authority – We are to pray for those people who are in authority. 

So that we may live a peaceful and quiet lives – the most likely outcome for praying for the people mentioned. Instead of rebelling against the authorities we are to pray for them. Praying for them does not mean that we necessarily agree to all the policies that they are doing, but praying for them will help them gain wisdom, and most of all gain us peaceful life. 

v.3 This is good and pleases our God our Savior –  There is nothing wrong in praying for others. In fact it is good and pleases God. We need to develop that  concern to other people.

v.4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. – This has been always the will of God. This is the reason why God sent prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, and even his only begotten Son.  This is also the reason why God gave His words to mankind, why our Lord started the Church, why our Lord commissioned us to share the same gospel to others. 

2. Men are expected to be leading (v.8) – “Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands…” Where are the men? We always talk about the role that has been given you. You are to take leadership especially in spiritual matters. This is what is proper. However, because men neglected their roles, it is the women who have taken charge in many areas of leadership. 

Instead of devoting oneself in anger and disputes which is by the way very common to men, men are encouraged to be lifting their hands in prayer. Lifting here may mean “worship” or “praying for others” with hands lifted for someone. 

This is not about being misogynist. We do not despise the women and the women are always there when men neglects their duties. But this is my appeal to the the men. You are men because God called you for a reason, for a purpose even in spiritual matters. Do not neglect it. 

3. Women are to dress with good deeds (v.9) “I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”

Verses 8-11 has been a big issue in this past century especially that it talks about the roles of women and the definition of propriety in worship inside the church. Some took this literally thus prohibiting women to be wearing any form of adornments.

The passage however is about propriety in worship, what is proper in the eyes of God, what is more acceptable. Perhaps during those times, there are women who are more focused on adorning themselves with luxurious jewelries and dresses thus creating issues in the church. So Paul is addressing the women here to be more focused on inward adornments, which good deeds. 

4. Women is to practice submission (v.11) “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.” Paul seems like giving his own opinion about women here on how they should behave inside the church. But certainly this is not about being completely silent inside the church. 

1Corinthians 11:5, we can see women who prays and prophesied in the assembly. In those times, there are also deaconess. So by that, we can see that women does have roles in the church. However, there is no clear indication that women are serving active roles as overseers in the church. 

What is clear here however is that men, are supposed to have the leadership roles, while women are to practice submission. 


  1. There are some areas where Paul left an unclear message concerning the role of women in the church. Or was it because our understanding about the role of women in this modern community has changed? 
  2. How is our prayer life so far? 
  3. How are we doing with this so-called propriety in worship? 
  4. How are the men doing inside the Church? What should we do to improve? 
  5. How are the women doing inside the Church? What should we do to improve? 
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