Text: 1Timothy 3:1-12

We tackle about instructions on worship last time. So today, we will be talking about how the church is to choose leaders. We will be tackling the two main offices in the Church, the Overseer and the Deacon. But before we dig into that, let us define first what is an Overseer and the Deacon. 

These two offices is essential to the Church. So basically, the Church are composed of people who believe in God. And these people have an Overseer and Deacons (can be more than one). Both the Overseer and Deacon/s are members of the Church. 

An Overseer is the “go to” person in the Church. The one who leads the people in spiritual matters especially in the dispensation (preaching) of the word. He “oversee” or manage the affairs of the Church in spiritual matters. We have to take note that supposed to be the Overseer is mainly concerned on spiritual matters first and foremost. 

In the New Testament, an Overseer is sometimes called an Elder. However, in the modern times (in our time), we rarely use the term “Overseer” instead we use “Pastor”. We do still use the word of an “Elder” however, it is often interpreted to be another office, like that of Associate Pastors. 

Deacons on the other hand are called “helper” or assistants of the pastors and the pastoral ministry. This is the why Paul gave an emphasis on the teachings of the qualification of Deacons and Deaconesses is because they also affects the spiritual affairs of the Church. 

In this modern times, often times, the office of the “Deacons” and “Deaconesses” are weaponised  against the Pastor and in many Churches, the office has grown to be more powerful where the Pastors became the subjects of this office. They are the ones who is calling the “shots” in the affairs of the Church, both legal and spiritual. 

But here in the passage, it is very clear that an Overseer should be an “overseer” while the deacons should be the helper and not the other way around. Aside from that, it is also clear that these two offices should be working together harmoniously in serving and doing the ministry of the Church. 

Overseer / Pastors / Elders

Personal Qualification

a. Now the overseer is to be above reproach, – Above reproach means that other people does not have anything against you both morally and spiritually. It doesn’t mean that an Overseer should be perfect, but there should be no grave issues concerning the Overseer’s appointment, something that will disqualify him for the office. 

b. faithful to his wife, This assumes that Overseers are mostly married. But he must be someone who is faithful to his wife. Someone who exemplifies a good example both as a husband and a father. 

c. temperate, self-controlled, –  Needless to say, even an ordinary Church member should have this.

d. respectable, – Someone that the people respects or can be respected in a higher degree. Someone that you can trust. 

e. hospitable, – Accommodating to people. People normally go the Overseer / Pastor for counselling and other matters.

f. able to teach, – An Overseer / Pastor will be dealing mainly with the word and therefore, he should be able to teach God’s word. Apart from that, we can also put here to be a good example of what he teaches. A teacher is not a teacher if he does is not able to live or does not practice what he teaches. 

g. not given to drunkenness, – Would it be better for an Overseer / Pastor in our culture to have abstain from wine instead of just not getting drunk? 

h. not violent but gentle, – No one wants to be with a violent man. How much more to a violent Overseer / Pastor? 

i. not quarrelsome, – You will not want to have a quarrelsome person leading you. 

j. not a lover of money. – Usually, you will not be able to see this until such time that it happens. However, there are also times that you will be able to see this by doing some background investigation. 

Domestic Qualification

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?) 

There is only one domestic qualification, and that is managing the family well. It doesn’t make sense when you are pastoring a Church but cannot pastor your children, specifically those children who are still under your care. 

Under this, we can see a very important matter inside the family. 

a. His children obey him. – What do think of a father that is not obeyed by his children? He must be doing something wrong. He may be exasperating his children in one way or another. We do understand parents who have rebellious children, but we have to note that in that case, such issue will always point back to the Overseer / Pastor. Whether it is his fault of not, it’s just difficult to Oversee  or Pastor a Church where you look forward that people respects you but your children. 

b. He must do so in a manner worthy of full respect – Having your children respect you and obey you by the use of intimidation and violence doesn’t sound right. People are able to see a father fully respected by his children for he is not only respected but also loved and being honoured by his children. 

Spiritual Qualification

a. He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. – This is actually one of the non-negotiable requirements of an Overseer. He should have undergone discipleship at least, or have been in the faith for several years before he is accepted as an Overseer. 

There will be a lot of issues and struggles in a young Christian life. And a young Christian will surely have difficulties not only in handling God’s word properly but also comes moral issues, decision making capacity, and leadership capacity. 

Paul himself gave a good reason “or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil.” 

b. He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil’s trap. – What do people in his community say about him? Is he a reliable and reputable person? Paul is pointing out is the maturity of the person. He must have a sound decision making capability so as having a good reputation with the people that surrounds him. 



  1. worthy of respect, 
  2. sincere, 
  3. not indulging in much wine, 
  4. and not pursuing dishonest gain. 


a. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 

b. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.

Personal Qualification (for deacon’s wives or deaconess)

a. In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, 

b. not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything.


a. A deacon must be faithful to his wife and 

b. must manage his children and his household well. 

Deacons are not so different to Overseers as per qualification. There may be some omission as to qualification but looking at it at the top, they are basically the same in most. The main difference though are the following: 

  1. Able to teach (for the Overseer)
  2. Women (may refer to deaconess or it can also be a deacon’s wife) are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers, trustworthy in everything.

Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.- Deacons who have served well are usually the deacons who have been the key people, the respected people in the faith in the Church, and some of them even become pastors. 


  1. Why do you think Paul gave these qualifications for leaders? 
  2. Why do you think it is important to “appoint” instead of simply elect just like what we do in classrooms, and in politics? 
  3. Why do you think the leaders are important in the Church? What are you doing to help them? How are you treating them? 
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